If your website do not have traffic then it is of no use.So traffic is much more important than decorating your website. Here are some basic techniques to improve traffic in your website.
Improve SEO

Doing seo is the best thing you can do to your website.It is basically the process of optimization to your website to get traffic.So that your website can come to search engines then it can consume traffics.
You can not fool google they have an algorithm to score the quality of your blog/website for a perticular search term/keyword.

You should focus on some things to optimize your website.Those are.

1.High quality and genuine content.Remember do not copy from others.You can not fool google.
2.properly made webpages.
3.Create backlinks.
4.Fast loading time.
5.Do not spam.
6.Easy to use.
7.Easy to access on mobile phones.
8.Add a sitemap.
9.Research keywords.
10.Use good theme.
Email marketing

Social media marketing is so much effective to reach people.Use an email collector to your blog.So that you can use those emails later for affiliate marketing also.And remember send your blog posts to your readers through emails whenever you upload a new blogpost.

Social media

Social media is the basic traffic source for your blog.Always interact with your friends and your readers for your blog traffic.I would suggest you to use instagram and facebook for marketing.Use a instagram page or make one. And on facebook create a group and become a part of some active big groups to suggest about your blog.

Building strong relationship with your audience

You can build a strong relationship with your readers by sends them mails of your new blog posts through emails.and always reply to all the comments in your blogs.and give them tips/advice/knwledge.Always give more than you are asked to give.
Content marketing

Post genuine articles on time.It should be genuine and original.Do not copy it from other websites.Google knows all.In article writing i can give you tips those are.
1.Open top pages on that article and compare them with your article.Your article should be 10x better than others.
2.make original articles.
3.guest blog to make backlinks on big sites to drive more traffic.
4.If you can not write article then you can hire someone to make one.