Graphic Designing is one the most popular freelancing jobs in the world.Today there are many graphic designers working around the world with only a laptop and you can also work from home.You just need laptop,stable internet connection and most importantly skills and creative mind.
You can learn graphic Design by yourself from internet or get course from websites like Internshala,Coursera,Udemy,Edx etc.
So lets discuss about how you can be a graphic designer.
1.Foundation building and Basics

Let me tell you one thing if you can not paint on paper you can also become a graphic designer;you just have to be willing to do something creative while may lead you to a great paycheck and a creative mind with technical skills.
Creative Design: The first part of graphic designing involves creative design then typography then colour theory and then grid systems.After learning them you would have gain some knowledge of theory about graphic designing.There is no right formula for creative pocess;with time you guys will learn about creative process.There are some parts about creative process.Those are brief,Research,Concept and production. 

Brief:Brief can be created by client,designer or both.It involves Goals,scope,vision of designs.It defines target audience,objective,schedule or anyother details.

Research:You have to do the research by yourself.It involves client's brand and value,personality,portfolio of customer,aim,vision,goals,aspects.
And aslo you have to look at their colour,imagery,typeface,logos,industry,competitions etc.
Then you can create a product that client needs.

Concept Development:You can use pen/paper to have a rough work for the final project.Use mind maps,mood boards.Use sources like web,internet,photoshops.

Production:In this case concept becomes artwork;artwork becomes print or digital delivery after the production of final project.

Colour Theroy:  The most powerful element of graphic designing is colour.It can sustain a strong message in the design.Learn about colour wheel/colour pigment. And also about saturation/hue/luminosity/brightness/contrast in colours.Learn about primary colours,secondary colours,tertiary colours  ans also hermony. The monochromatic hermony,analogous,complementary colours.And most importantly learn about RGB and  CMYK.
Typography:  This is one of the important parts of composition theory.Basically it is the art used in type with design.Easy to consume by the viewer.It involves different Fonts/Typefaces.
There are also important guidelines for typography.

Layout and Space:  It involves rules of grids luke golden section,rule of thirds etc.

Six principles of Design:
6.Negative Space
There are also Image Concepts in Graphic Designing.

2.Software:  This is the most important part.If you are a beginner you can use Adobe Photoshop,I personally used it when i learnt graphic design.Learn the programs it takes time but once you become familier with them it becomes so easy for can use anyother softwares also.

Copywriting:You have to learn using the copywriting that can attract your viewers.If you are a solo entreprenuer then it is so much important for you to learn this skill.

Learn the Art of Critique: It is one of the difficult skills to learn in graphic Designing.You should be will to make what client wants.By the time you can learn this skill.And learn it with patience and use your creativity.

Adobe tools:Learn Adobe photoshop,Adobe illustartor,Adobe InDesign.

3.Get a Certificate or Degree: Getting a degree in graphic design can help you get jobs.Or you can use that to get works in Freelancing websites like fiverr,freelancer,internshala etc.

4.Choose an Area Of Specification: 
You should be specific about your work area and you have to master that.
The areas can be:
a)Logo Design
b)Web Design and Digital Design
c)Multimedia Design

5.Attractive Portfolio that standsout:
Develop an impressive portfolio that cotains your best works,work experience,skills and all details like projects etc.

6.Career: Start your career.
1.You have to be exceptionally well.
2.Always keep learning.
3.Be original.
4.Work hard and smartly.

7.Understand Business,Marketing and more:
You should always learn.So after mastering all the skills should keep learning.To involve in industry you should understand business and marketing your skills.

You can also create an online course about graphic design to sell:
to know how to create an online course  Click here

Best Of Luck.