If you want to start a blog but you do not have any pc or laptop then don't worry You can do blogging using your mobile phone also,if you have a decent mobile phone but you will need some apps to do blogging using your mobile phone and get traffic
Read the full article to learn about those useful 6 apps.

1.Platform for Blogging:Blogger/Wordpress

Before you do blogging using your mobile phone you will need a platform where you can do blogging.There are some platforms that provide you free platform,free hosting like blogger.If you want to have premium quality domain and hosting then you can also use Wordpress.
Blogger is little more simple than Wordpress but time by time you can learn about wordpress also.You can download those apps from Google Play store.
Tip:I would suggest you to start blogging from blogger if you are a newbie in blogging.After you post your article from blogger or wordpress using mobile phone make sure you go to web browser(making it a desktop site) and check that article.

2.Text Editor:Google Docs

If you use google docs you can always keep your articles backed up and easily available.You can edit texts and design fonts easily in Google docs.
Tip:Before posting your article make sure you make the post grammertically perfect.

3.Free Photos/Vector images:Pixabay/Flaticon

You can get free images from pixabay.Open pixabay website create an account and get free and relevant photos for your blog.
Also use flaticon website to get vector images and import them in canva to create powerful and attractive inforgraphics.

4.Photo Editor:Canva

Canva is a free and premium app for editing and creating photos.It is one of bests according to me.You can also create and edit photos in canva.
It is so easy to use.You can easily make inforgraphics to attract audience.Just download the app in your mobile phone from Google Playstore.Download it and make your photos user friendly.

5.Buffer App

This is one of my favourite social network platform managing app.You can easily engage with your viewers/readers on various socail media.You can queue up your articles/posts easily on Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Instagram,LinkedIn,Polyvore and more.
This app makes posting easy and automatic for you.Use this app.Download it from Google Playstore.

6.Traffic Analysis:Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps you to have a view on your traffic and their activity.You just have to do some backend configuration so that google analytics can function properly.
Tip:Try not to make changes on Google Analytics randomly.Plan major changes then change.

I hope you liked the post.I myself posted this article through mobile phobe.With this above tools you can start and manage a successful blog that can make impact on your life.Tell me about your blog in the comments.